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California Latino Legislative Caucus Announces AB 2131 (Valencia) as a ‘Priority Bill’

SACRAMENTO, CA— On Tuesday, April 23, the California Latino Legislative Caucus, chaired by Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (D – Riverside) and vice chaired by Senator Lena Gonzalez (D – Long Beach), held a press conference to announce their legislative priorities for this year and presented AB 2131 as part of the package. This recognition underscores the growing need to expand access to Certified Nursing Assistants.

Assemblymember Valencia issues a statement on the upcoming Budget Sub 7 committee hearing regarding the progress of broadband investments

SACRAMENTO, CA – The Assembly’s new Budget Subcommittee on Accountability and Oversight will hold its first oversight hearing on February 28 to review whether the State’s investment in broadband infrastructure is achieving the goal of connecting all Californians to reliable high-speed internet service. The hearing is at 9 a.m. in Room 1100 of the Swing Space.